Sacred Supervision
welcome colleague!
Sacred Supervision is a soul process I have created & facilitate. It is an answered call to hold space which invites & supports expansive connection & presence.
Within the group, we gather to celebrate & deepen our unique gifts as healers. Through the practice of the matrix, we will support each participant's offering by inviting collective witnessing. Free from interpretation, we will share & explore the images, intuitions, somatic experiences, thoughts, questions & emotions which arise in response the individual's inquiry, facilitating depth exploration.
The form is circle work rooted in ritual, witnessing, somatic movement explorations (breathwork, touch, following movement impulses, sounding, chakras etc). These essential practices are the ground from which consciously embodied group supervision arises. After a period of supervision, integration is supported through rest, mark making, writing/journaling. The circle then ends with witnessing before a ritual closing.
The process takes 2-2.5 hours depending on the size of the group and the material which organically arises in search of witnessing & integration.
Cost is £20pp & you are requested to commit to the monthly circle. If you are interested or you and your colleagues would like to form a Sacred Supervision group, please contact me. I shall be delighted to hear from you.